Wednesday, September 5, 2007

CNN has subliminal Advertising?

I just got a email from a friend who said she was watching CNN over her DVR and had a clip that showed CNN's subliminal advertising. She uploaded the clip to  youtube, and  I extracted the frame, and here is a picture:

Innocent mistake by CNN or bigger plot to brainwash us......

I look forward to comments....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's pretty damn freaky. i suppose it's possible it was just a mistake..i mean these days with DVR and all it would be too easy to be caught if they were doing it repeatedly... hm... interesting though. i wonder.

Anonymous said...

Scary Stuff :s

Unknown said...

Nice catch, how did your friend spot it? Just a note, subliminal "affirmations" can be transmitted via any sense, especially taste! Also vibrations and microwave frequencies. You doubt? Check it, patent 5159703 read all the way down, then boycott SONY, they produce the infernal machines. patent 6807281. That's all the puddin for now kids. please contact me if you feel you have been targeted and have not come out about it. I am a journalist. Much Love

Anonymous said...

It isnt a subliminal message if you notice it.
A subliminal message is something planted in an advertisement that only the subconcios part of your brain notices. it then "decodes it" and makes it make sense. after that it realises what i must do and informs you of an interlectual command. therfor, people can sell there product or get people to do things on command. it takes a while to register though

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell us what the 'ad' was for? The toll number and company name at the bottom...who are they and what do they sell?

Anonymous said...

You're all really, really stupid; real news isn't watched, it's read. I'd rather be brainwashed by Subliminal messaging than CNN news.

Anonymous said...

Very constructive there "anonymous" I guess you are a real victim. You might seem even more clever if you watched the clip with you head dislodged from your rectum.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe it was a mistake. Someone slipped it in there by mistake when they were making the commercial break. Sometimes when you remove a video, residual parts of it are left behind in a certain part. Did you check to see if that commercial comes on in the break?
That's all, haha.

Anonymous said...

wow...good catch. Er...Television networks have been known to do this. Remember guys, he media does have a agenda that isn't so easily seen.

Anonymous said...

These guys don't make mistakes like that. ;)

Anonymous said...

How can u be contacted or c me a t ditzed a t y place....much love back

p.alanbmaria said...

Plavix (clopidogrel) is a DRUG used to prevent blood clots after a recent heart attack or stroke.
Thus the meaning of the text: "Feeling better doesn't mean you're not at risk." i. e., there aren't a lot of sensible warnings of another impending heart attack, you might feel fine while still being at risk.

Paul Jackson said...

So, given the widespread blood clotting caused by the COVID-19 experimental gene therapies and experimental vaccines, and given that CNN has been 100% plugging these, I wonder how well sales of Plavix are going right now?